Final Blog

Dec. 3, 2017

Over the course of this semester, we have discussed leadership in a variety of jobs. Leadership is typically thought to be the person with the most education and the oftentimes, the loudest mouth. However, from all of the guest speakers we have had, this is not necessarily the case. In a leadership article, a definition of leadership is:

“Leadership is the art of leading others to deliberately create a result that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.”

I think this is the most fitting definition, because leadership can be seen in so many aspects, from your CEO or a new manager who motivates his team to strive for excellence. However it is done, the ability to motivate others to help reach a goal that will benefit everyone in the organization that would not have been achieved without the leaders guidance and support.

A recent guest speaker from the NHHA went to NHTI for 2 years before getting a job as a data tech. for NHHA. She went back to school for a bachelors followed by receiving a masters. She worked her way from the bottom up and is now high up in the organization. To me, this speaks tons, because if you work hard and show your best work, you can truly get to the place you always wanted to be at. Leadership comes from within, and while people who are not born leaders are often great in other areas, they require the motivation and insight of a leader to motivate them. Reaching goals will never stop in an organization, and the various leaders from the exec. team down to the floor managers are all a major part in moving forward and being better.

For us as we move towards graduation and entering the career field, we have to see that we are going to be the leaders of different units, whether it is an HR manager or laboratory manager, there will be people who answer to us and need our help to fix problems and set new goals. This class has shown me the importance of understanding group dynamics and how to figure out what type of leader you are and will be.

What is Leadership?


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